Fight It Together

“Our mission is to fight local and global hunger sustainably”

Our Goals

At Fight It Together we hope to combat hunger through the redistribution of normally wasted excess groceries. Instead of allowing this excess stock to rot we hope to get it into the hands of people who are the most vulnerable and in need of food. With this strategy we hope to not only reduce food waste, but also improve the lives of our local and global community members in the process.


Locally, we buy excess grocery and food products and create meal packets to bring to local homeless shelters and communities in the Greater Boston and Los Angeles Areas.

Outside of the US, we are aiding flood victims in nations such as those in South Asia. We purchasing sustainably sourced food in large quantities and get it to as many struggling individuals as possible in the most affected regions. So far we have raised nearly $35,000.


Fight It Together is a charity based in Massachusetts, and we would love for any people interested in volunteering to email us here. Additionally, any food or monetary donations would be greatly appreciated. All it takes to feed one person is $3.50, and you would be helping provide a struggling individual with a meal by just clicking the donate button.


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